
My name is Keiran, and I am the senior instructor of the Sydney Dojo. I started my Iadio journey in the late 1990’s while living on the Gold Coast in Queensland. At the time, I was fortunate enough to be able to train under the guidance of Dr Glenn “Agou” Stockwell. Since those early days on the Gold Coast, I’ve have had the opportunity to continue my training under the guidance of senior Iaido practitioners, both here in Australian and in Japan, while also heading up the Dojo here in Sydney.

Since the 1990’s, I have had many achievements in relation to my Iadio training. The latest was in 2023, at the All Japan Iaido Federation National Taikai in Kyoto Japan, where I graded to the rank of Renshi. If you are interested in learning Iadio, please feel free to pop by one night to watch one of our classes.